
My name is Carrie Kennedy, and I am a candidate running for WA State’s House of Representative Legislative District 10 Position 1 against Democrat Rep. Clyde Shavers.
In 2020 and 2022, I ran for US Congress, CD-2 but when Mr. Shaver’s father questioned his son’s military service, I decided then, I would run for the LD-10/1 seat. As the wife of a US Navy Seabee and daughter of a naval officer, both career servicemen, I felt a calling to run for the position in LD-10/1 to give the voters, constituents, an opportunity to vote for an individual who believes and lives with honor, integrity and character to gain their trust and sacred vote! The voices of the “forgotten men and women”, misrepresented citizens who live in our great communities and state, have not had honest representation and deserve much better. I am more than willing to step up, be a candidate and representative that will make my fellow citizens and constituents proud to vote for me knowing I will be their voice, protect their Constitutional Rights and fight to maintain our American values and way of life. And most importantly, they can be assured, I will always be honest and do my upmost to protect them, and their families to keep WA state, the amazing place we’ve chosen to live, a place that their children and future generations can prosper and where we can enjoy the liberties, rights and freedoms granted to us as Americans and our God!