All Lives Matter

During these turbulent times, we need decisive leadership, not caving to the whims of a few but upholding the Rule of Law set forth in our great United States Constitution. The events leading up to the current unrest was inexcusable but does not define all  law enforcement. When departments fail to monitor and weed out those “bad” apples, it is not a direct reflection on all law enforcement. But if silent when a wrong is committed, and not appropriately investigated when a wrong has occurred, those not correcting, should be held equally accountable. Skin color should not be introduced into our discussions of wrongdoing. Skin color should not be a factor, ever! We all Matter. 

“Can we all get along?  Can we get along” ~ Rodney King May 1, 1992

Keep Washington State Open

Faced with a major obstacle, Americans came together and prevented the spread of a deadly virus which should have never been released into the global public. Once information was released, Americans were able to make responsible choices but government officials and entities tried to overreach in many cases. People did make choices best suited for them and kept the pandemic at bay. The pandemic has changed our lives and our country but with truthful informative leadership, we can overcome this and all obstacles. Businesses of any size should not be forced to shut down, nor ways of life changed to accommodate agendas or big money. Fairness and honesty for all is what is needed to keep our economy strong and growing. People who rely strictly on their business to sustain themselves should not be penalized because they are forced to make choices resulting in devastating consequences because of government restrictions/mandates. We need strong leadership when dealing with difficult obstacles and issues. I’d be honored to be “your” voice.


Education within our country is failing at an alarming rate in many critical areas. Basic skills once taken for granted are now rarely introduced while “agendas” have precedence. Our children and those seeking educational opportunities should be secure knowing they’ll receive the best possible education their hard earned money demands. Holding educational institutions, school districts, administrators and unions accountable for their teaching staff and curriculums is imperative to ensure fair and transparent learning for all, not progressive agendas. If parents wish to homeschool or seek alternative educational options of their choice, whatever their reasons, those requests need to be honored and given the best opportunities suited for their children. Forcing obscure rules, regulations, curriculums is not fair nor honest to parents, taxpayers who should have rights to decide what they want taught and suited for their families. Continued bonds passed with no accountability to property owners should not be forced on nor taxed repeatedly.

Parents Rights

A despicable Washington state K-12 sex education law was signed without any input from citizens, voters or parents. The dishonesty went beyond the scope of an honest curriculum. If parents are not allowed to vote on this issue, which I personally believe should NEVER be introduced in public school, but dictated to by an agenda which is NOT representative of WeThePeople, then parents should have the right to pull their children from public schools without penalty or consequences. At the time of this writing, there were over 266, 000 proponent signatures to hopefully put Referendum 90 on the November 2020 ballot so WeThePeople have a say and hold state politicians accountable to uphold and stand by the voters vote.

“Today, there are probably more Marxists on the faculty of our elite colleges than there are in all of Russia and Eastern Europe.” — Dinesh D’Souza (Letters to a Young Conservative)


Military & Veterans

Our current military members have taken sworn oaths when they volunteered for service which we expect them to uphold. Their dedication of their oaths and their sacrifices ensure a strong vibrant America for all Americans. When military members and their families need support and benefits entitled to them for their sacrifices and dedication, America has a responsibility to provide them with the best possible care, benefits, etc. which they have rightfully earned. This equally applies to those in a non-volunteer status. America’s duty, a grateful nation, is to support our military, Veterans and all family members with the absolute best America has to offer, always.

“To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan” ~Abraham Lincoln

Overreach of Government

Americans must demand accountability and stop allowing the overreach our politicians and lawmakers continue to take to benefit the few, ignoring the principles, beliefs, and values for which our great Country was founded. The will of the American people cannot be ignored any longer by those wishing to alter America, not adhering to their sworn oaths. We must elect people to uphold the Rule of Law, principles of equality, and individual rights, enforce the laws, and not overreach with their agendas to benefit the few. Overreach only leads to more corruption and benefits a small minority. When our Constitutional rights are rejected because politicians overstep their authority, WeThePeople must hold them accountable and responsible for their un-American actions. While a difficult task, we need people like me, willing to come forward, demand accountability and explanations for their abuse of power, and hold them to the principles and laws WeThePeople live by in our daily lives. We must demand better from those elected to represent us, not give in or allow those who abuse their elected positions, overreaching the elected responsibly they’ve sworn an oath to uphold for WeThePeople!

Mental Health Reform

Every critical issue America is faced with today has ties to a tremendous need for mental health reform. Programs must be offered and available to all who require, request assistance without repercussions of retaliation, judgment, reprisal from employers, etc. With adequate funding and canceling useless programs which do nothing but hinder and enable, positive well thought out and funded programs, can move individuals forward to become productive citizens. A thorough review by qualified professionals, not career politicians with adverse agendas, to ensure benefits are actually benefiting those who need the assistance, not funding governmental programs which offer nothing but continued dependency. Assistance should be minimal, not long term to ensure individuals and taxpayers are not responsible for lengthy dependencies. The main objective should be to assist the individual with all necessary assistance empowering them to move onto becoming productive members of society. We must have adequate funding with trained professionals who have the qualifications and requirements necessary to assist those in need. 


America First, America Strong

President Trump moved America forward with vigilance when obstacles were and had been placed in front of him at almost every turn he attempted to help America. We need strong leadership, people who will work to secure our future with strength, fortitude, integrity and the willingness to fight for our great Country! I will support and work with our President to resolve issues which have festered to the brim and must be fixed now! Also work with the opposition to find a middle ground which all Americans can benefit from. Americans have fought and demanded their Voices be heard and we must have people willing to step up and be their voice. I am that American Patriot who believes we are stronger together not hating and tearing America apart by the select few.

“America is the greatest, freest and most decent society in existence. It is an oasis of goodness in a desert of cynicism and barbarism. This country, once an experiment unique in the world, is now the last best hope for the world.” — Dinesh D’Souza




(360) 218 – 4547


P.O. Box 963 Oak Harbor, WA 98277


